Monday, May 21, 2012

Cincy Underground Brewery History Tour

The other day I took a short tour of the
O.T.R. Brewery District of Cincinnati.
It pointed out historic buildings and brewery sites,
4 of which you got to enter, explore and learn about.
I highly suggest to anyone visiting Cincinnati to take the tour.
For more info visit Queen City Underground.

Original saloon from the early 1900s minus the paint and stage.

 Big 3 "City Hall' / Beer Garden

 60ft below street level the original storage tunnels for a Brewery, the dirt pile is from another tunnel
  60ft below street level the original storage tunnels for a Brewery
  60ft below street level the original storage tunnels for a Brewery
  60ft below street level the original storage tunnels for a Brewery
 The hole the land owner jack hammered out to find the hidden tunnels 
after they were sealed away years earlier.
 Window from a common living area
Common living area stairwell

If you're in the Cincinnati area i highly suggest taking the tour, it's very informative and interesting,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Full Moon

On Sunday night I went out and took a few shots of the full moon. 
It was my first time and I don't think they turned out too bad.